An Illustrated and Cross-Referenced Glossary of Malacological and Conchological Terms |
by Paul S. Mikkelsen |
Term | Definition |
ANTEROLATERAL | Forward, towards the ANTERIOR and also toward the side or LATERAL. | |
EQUILATERAL | In bivalves, having the anterior and posterior ends of equal size; see also: EQUIVALVE; INEQUILATERAL; SUBEQUILATERAL. | |
FIN, LATERAL | Fleshy projections on the each side of the mantle of squids. | |
INEQUILATERAL | In bivalves, having the parts of the shell anterior and posterior to the beaks differing appreciably in length; see: INEQUIVALVE; SUBEQUILATERAL. | |
LATERAL | Situated at the side of or arising from the side of a structure (in reference to a shell, RADULAR tooth, etc.). | |
LATERAL HINGE SYSTEM | Hinge structures present in some PRODISSOCONCHS anterior and posterior to the PROVINCULUM. | |
LATERAL SECTION | More or less raised area on the TEGMENTUM of valves II to VII of a chiton shell, bounded by the posterior edge of the valve and by a line from the midpoint to the ANTEROLATERAL edge; see also: MEDIAN SECTION; POSTERIOR SECTION. | |
In gastropods, those teeth of a RADULA which lie immediately to the side (left and right) of the RACHIDIAN or central tooth and more inward from the MARGINAL TOOH (if present). See also: RADULA FORMULA. In bivalves, those shelly protuberances on the dorsal margins of the shell, and at some distance from the UMBONES. In Bivalves, at or of the hinge area on either side of the cardinal area, well removed from the BEAKS. |
POSTERIOR LATERAL TOOTH | LATERAL TOOTH situated posteriorly to beaks and (in heterodonts) posterior to the LIGAMENT. | |
PSEUDOLATERAL TOOTH | LATERAL TOOTH, proximal end of which is close to the BEAK. | |
SUBEQUILATERAL | Applied to bivalve shells which are nearly equal in size; see also: EQUILATERAL; INEQUILATERAL; INEQUIVALVE. | |
VALVE, LATERAL AREA | [need definition]. In CHITONS, … See illustration: Composite Chiton. | |
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