An Illustrated and Cross-Referenced Glossary of Malacological and Conchological Terms |
by Paul S. Mikkelsen |
Term | Definition |
LIP, PARIETAL | The upper portion of the inner APERTURAL LIP, which is attached to the subsequent WHORL. | |
PARIETAL | Pertaining to the region of a gastropod shell that extends from the COLUMELLA posteriorly and around the curve of the shell. | |
PARIETAL CALLUS | Enamel on the inside of a shell just within the APERTURE of snails; see also: COLUMELLAR CALLUS. | |
PARIETAL DENTICLE | [need definition]; present in some Polygyridae. | |
PARIETAL TOOTH | A shelly projection on the PARIETAL WALL of the shell of gastropods. See illustration: Composite Gastropod. See also: PARIETAL. | |
PARIETAL WALL | In a gastropod, the region just above the columellar region, partly outside and partly inside the aperture; sometimes called the INNER LIP; see also: PARIETAL. | |
SHIELD, PARIETAL | [need definition]. See illustration: Composite Gastropod. | |
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